Arvigo Maya abdominal massage is a modern adaptation of ancient Mayan healing techniques that adds modern knowledge of anatomy, physiology and herbology. Through noninvasive massage, this technique gently manipulates the muscles and tendons that hold all the belly organs in place to bring all things back into alignment and promote proper functioning. The abdominal fertility massage applications move congested lymph fluid, oxygenate blood, increase immune function and maintain proper nerve flow in pelvic organs.
Optimal reproductive organ position is critical for both male and female reproductive health. For women, a misaligned uterus restricts arterial blood flow and outward flow of toxins, allowing buildup of acid and carbon dioxide in muscles, lymph and surrounding tissue. The result of that buildup is pathology and malfunction. For men, a congested prostate decreases function of that organ, which provides nutrition and enzymes for healthy sperm.
To assure greater success, the Arvigo practitioner prefers to treat couples. Bodywork sessions can prevent and relieve prostatic congestion and improve sexual function in men. Arvigo self-care techniques can be taught to couples in tandem with each other. Depending on the situation of each male client, practitioners may also recommend herbal and nutritional therapies.
Teaching you self-care massage techniques is integral to the success of the therapy, as self-care massage helps maintain proper position and function of pelvic organs.

2 x private sessions from the comfort of your hotel room on the paradise island of Koh Yao Noi in Thailand.
The treatment improves the flow of blood, lymph, nerve pulses and vital energy. It ultimately cleanses a congested uterine membrane and realigns the reproductive organs like the ovaries and uterus.
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Couples Planning for a Family

Unexplained Infertility

Bonding and Improving Intimacy with your Partner
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