For the uninitiated, cervical mucus is a jelly-like substance which women’s bodies produce to protect sperm from the naturally acidic environment of the vagina. Seeing as cervical mucus plays a key role in protecting sperm and helping them travel safely to the egg, cervical mucus is an important component of every woman’s natural fertility.
If you’ve been trying to get pregnant for some time but can’t seem to do so, one problem that you could potentially be facing is hostile cervical mucus. This results in male sperms being unable to survive during intercourse, and accounts for 20% of female infertility issues.
Who is likely to be at risk of having hostile cervical mucus? Women who don’t drink much water and consume a lot of dairy products are top on the list. If you fall within this category, it should be a red flag if you have a thick and viscous cervical mucus (as opposed to a clear, watery cervical mucus that’s termed “egg white mucus”).
Other than this, women who take certain medications (such as antihistamines) may also be susceptible to hostile cervical mucus. Luck also plays a part in the equation – if your immune system mistakenly recognizes sperm as a foreign invader, it might result in antisperm antibodies forming in your cervical mucus, and this will either block the sperm’s passage, or damage the sperm so severely that it is unable to function.
Want to improve your cervical mucus, boost your natural fertility and lessen the chances of having a hostile cervical mucus? Keep in mind these two tips:
Keep to a specific diet
Drink more water, and eat nutrient dense foods which contain lots of fatty acids (wild-caught fish, for example). At the same time, steer clear of soy products, as well as foods made from grain products and processed sugars – these will hinder the production of cervical mucus.
If you’re not getting an adequate amount of fatty acids in your diet, consider taking supplements which contain omega 3, 6 and 9. These will help you to do a number of things, such as regulating your hormones, increasing blood flow to the uterus, stabilizing your menstrual cycle, and last but not least, increasing your cervical mucus.
Use the right lubricant
Many lubricants in the market have been shown to negatively affect sperm motility. If you regularly use a lubricant during intercourse, make sure you go for one which is water-based and non-spermicidal.
Fertility consultation with BeNatural’s fertility coach, Marie Otsuka
If you and your partner would like to learn more about conceiving, come down for a 45-minute consultation with Marie Otsuka, BeNatural’s natural fertility coach. In this session, Marie will seek to understand the couple’s situation, and offer insights she’s gained through her 10 years of experience in working with infertile Singaporeans. Slots are limited and on a first come first serve basis; contact us here to schedule an appointment!