Whilst in-vitro fertilization, known more commonly as IVF, was once thought of as a risky procedure, it’s becoming an increasingly common method of assisted conception these days. When having difficulty conceiving, most couples will immediately think of IVF – but seeing as how this doesn’t come cheap, it’s not a viable option for all couples who are having trouble getting pregnant.
Alternative methods of assisted conception
One couple who desperately wanted to get pregnant, but couldn’t afford to pay for IVF were Kerry and Paul Carr from Cheshire, England. After trying (and failing) to conceive for over two and a half years, a friend suggested that they try a DIY fertility kit called The Stork Home Conception Device – and after they used the kit, Kerry immediately got pregnant.
Fast forward nine months later, Kerry gave birth to a baby girl. According to Kerry, getting the fertility kit was the best £100 (approx S$180) she had ever spent, and she highly recommends that couples try the fertility kit before considering the more expensive option (artificial insemination).
What is The Stork?
The Stork bills itself as a “uniquely designed innovative device” which is to be used at home, during ovulation. Essentially, you’re looking at cervical cap insemination, which places the sperm as close as possible to the opening of the cervix, right where it needs to swim up through. Because the sperm bypasses the vaginal tract, it’s a faster and more direct route that it’s taking to insemination.
How do you use The Stork?
Before having intercourse, your male partner simply puts on the condom-like sheath (just like how you’d put on a condom). After intercourse, the sheath is removed, and the semen-filled cap detached from it. You then transfer the cap to an applicator (similar to those which are used to insert tampons), and use the applicator to place the cap in your cervix. Once that’s done, leave the cap in place for four to six hours so that the sperm can fertilize your egg (during this time, feel free to go about your regular day-to-day activities).
Once those four to six hours are up, remove the cap by pulling on a string (again, similar to how you’d remove a tampon). That’s all there is to it!
Is The Stork effective?
Over 300 couples have conceived using the help of The Stork since it launched back in 2013. In addition to this, a clinical study showed that in 85% of participants, The Stork increased the concentration of sperm at the cervix by over three times (as compared to natural intercourse sperm scores).
What are the other benefits of using The Stork?
Other than being an extremely economical method of conception, The Stork is also less invasive, and doesn’t involve any injections, scans or prescriptions. In addition, The Stork can be used in the comfort of your own home, and doesn’t require you to make multiple trips to hospitals and/or fertility clinics.
The Stork may be purchased on Amazon.
Fertility consultation with BeNatural’s fertility coach, Marie Otsuka
If you and your partner would like to learn more about conceiving, come down for a 45-minute consultation with Marie Otsuka, BeNatural’s fertility coach. In this session, Marie will seek to understand the couple’s situation, and offer insights she’s gained through her 10 years of experience in working with infertile Singaporeans. Slots are limited and on a first come first serve basis; contact us here to schedule an appointment!